Scholars International Conference on

Advanced Materials Science and Engineering

THEME: "Current and Emerging Trends in Materials Research and Engineering"

img2 25-26 Nov 2021

Porous Materials and Ceramics

Ceramics exhibit very strong solid ionic or potentially covalent holding (more grounded than the metallic bond) and this gives the properties regularly connected with pottery: high hardness, high compressive quality, low warm and electrical conductivity and substance latency.

This solid holding additionally represents the less alluring properties of earthenware production, for example, low malleability and low rigidity. The more extensive scope of properties, be that as it may, isn't broadly valued. For instance, while pottery are seen as electrical and warm covers, artistic oxides (at first dependent on Y-Ba-Cu-O) are the reason for high temperature superconductivity. Precious stone, beryllia and silicon carbide have a higher warm conductivity than aluminum or copper.

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