Scholars International

Webinar on Cardiology

THEME: "Novel Insights and Exploring Recent Advancements in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases "

img2 28-29 Jul 2021
img2 Online Webinar | 2nd Edition


Awali Hospital, Bahrain

Title: TBA


Dr Syed  Raza  graduated from Aligarh University in India  in 1993. After completing his postgraduate degree in Medicine from the same university, he moved to the UK for higher specialist studies. He successfully completed MRCP and CCT and later also  awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. He was awarded professor John Goodwin prize for outstanding performance in Diploma Cardiology exam  at Hammersmith Hospital, University of London in 2001.  Dr  Raza  is  Fellow  of  American  College  of  Cardiology  ,  American  College  of  Chest  Physicoans  as  well  as  Fellow  of  European  Society  of  Cardiology.  He  is  also  on  the  committee  of  Acute  Cardiovascular  Care.  Heart  Failure  and  Cardiovascular  Imaging (  European  Society of  Cardiology )

He is currently serving as  consultant in Cardiology and Head of the department of Medicine  at Awali Hospital, Bahrain. He is the educational coordinator and  chairman of resuscitation  committee of the hospital. He is the regional coordinator  and examiner for  MRCP  exam for the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. He is external examiner for Arabian Gulf Medical  University. He is also the immediate past chairman of Medical Advisory Committee. He has to his credit  numerous publications and he has presented his work in  different parts of the world. He is peer review author for some well respected International  journal.
