Scholars International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering

20-21 Jun 2022  |  Berlin, Germany and Online | 3rd Edition

Ignazio Renato Bellobono

Ignazio Renato Bellobono

Bellobono Ignazio Renato and Associates, Milano, Italy

National Committee Members


Bellobono began his career as a researcher at the University of Milan in 1954. Seven years later he took a position of a research director of chemistry department at the University of Rome. In 1972, Ignazio held the position of a research director of the department of physical chemistry and electrochemistry at the University of Milan.

In November 2008, he became a founder and research director of Bellobono Innovative Technologies Co. in Milan. The same year Bellobono held the position of a research director of Bellobono Innovative Technologies Co., in a joint research project with University of Milano-Bicocca. Since November 2010 he took a position of a research director at Bellobono Ignazio Renato & Associates in Milan.

Research Interest