World Nursing and Healthcare Summit

THEME: "Leading Innovations and Advancing Nursing Practices toward Better Healthcare"

img2 23-25 Sep 2024
img2 Village Hotel Changi, Singapore
Paul Sarnese

Paul Sarnese

International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety Owner, USA

Title: Adopt Leading Practices to Mitigate Healthcare Violence


Paul is the owner of Secured & Prepared Consulting, LLC. He is a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator and a Certified Associate Project Manager.

Paul is the Past President for the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety.

Paul participated as a Technical Advisor to the Joint Commission in developing the Workplace Violence Prevention Standards.

Paul has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Rowan University, a Master’s Degree in Safety Engineering from Warren University and a Master’s in Administrative Science from Farleigh Dickinson University.

He has been published in Campus Safety Magazine, govCIO Outlook, Total Security Advisor, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Journal of Emergency Nursing, Security Management Magazine, Journal of Radiology Nursing, HcPro, Journal of Healthcare Protection Management, and Hospital Safety and Security Management. 
