THEME: "Exploring the Challenges in Pre & Post Formulations and Drug Delivery Systems"
The core objective in drug design is to foresee whether a given particle will bind to a target and if so how unequivocally. Molecular mechanics or molecular dynamics are commonly used to predict the conformation of the little particle and to model conformational changes in the biological targets that may happen when the little molecules ties to it.
Pharmaceutics 2020 is a global platform to discuss with new innovative techniques, and also learn about research Advances in Drug Targeting and Design, Drug Delivery Research, Pharmaceutical Technology, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Pre-formulation & formulation studies, Biopharmaceutics and Biologic Drugs.
Design Conferences | Best
Drug Design Conferences | International
Drug Design Conferences | World
Drug Design Conferences | Drug
Design Conferences 2020 | Drug
Design Conferences Rome | Drug
Design Conferences Italy | Drug
Design Conferences Asia | Drug
Design Conferences USA | Drug
Design Conferences Europe |
Drug Design Conferences Japan | Drug
Design Conferences Australia |Drug
Design Conferences Dubai | Drug
Design Meetings | Best
Drug Design Meetings | Best
Drug Design Meetings | Drug
Design Workshops | Drug
Design Symposiums