Global Summit on

Recycling and Waste Management

THEME: "Exploring the Novel Advances in Recycling and Waste Management"

img2 24-25 Mar 2025
img2 Barcelona, Spain
María Isabel Maestre-López

María Isabel Maestre-López

INESCOP, Footwear Technological Centre, Spain

Title: Metagenomic insights into polyurethane-degrading microbial communities in contaminated environments


María Isabel Maestre has a doctorate in biology from the Miguel Hernández University. She works in the Biotechnology department of INESCOP, an innovation and technology center that offers technological services and researches on topics of interest to the footwear sector. Within the lines of revalorisation developed by INESCOP, it is responsible for research in biological cracking of polymers through the use of enzymes and microorganisms isolated from environmental samples.
