THEME: "Breaking Barriers, Shaping the Future of Women"

img2 17-18 Mar 2025
img2 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Alona Lebedieva

Alona Lebedieva

Aurum Group, Ukraine

Title: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Achieving Gender Equality in the Workforce


AlonaLebedieva aspired to great achievements from an early age. At 17, she moved tothe capital—Kyiv—where she gained experience in consulting and auditing.Motivated by her interest in the railway engineering industry, she foundedAurum Group, which eventually became a leader in the production and repair offreight railcars. Her achievements include successfully launching and managinga company with a fleet of 2,000 railcars, as well as selling this businessprofitably before the crisis. Alona invested in repair depots and foundries,ensuring the strengthening of local industry and protection against competitionfrom worn-out imported railcars. Thanks to her leadership qualities andperseverance, Lebedieva overcame multiple raider attacks while retaining keyemployees. Today, Aurum Group continues to develop, proving thatprofessionalism and courage are the driving forces of success.


Thisreport examines critical challenges and potential solutions related to genderinequality in today's workforce, focusing on the persistent gender pay gap,discrimination in hiring and promotion, and the glass ceiling effect in highereducation and careers. promotion. The goals of this work include assessingcurrent policies, identifying the most pressing systemic barriers women face,and outlining effective strategies for promoting an inclusive workplace.

Thescope of this report covers both qualitative and quantitative data, includingcase studies from different industries and statistical analysis of wagedisparities. The main methods used in this study are comparative policyanalysis, surveys and structured interviews with women professionals indifferent sectors. Preliminary findings show that unconscious biases, lack ofmentoring programs, and limited access to networking opportunities aresignificant barriers to women's career development. Additionally, specificpolicy reforms and targeted advocacy at the corporate and government levelshave the potential to reduce discrimination and close the pay gap.

In conclusion, this study highlights thatdespite significant progress, there is still a significant need for continuedefforts to achieve true equality in the workplace. Addressing these issuesthrough legislation, corporate responsibility and cultural change is essentialfor women's empowerment and long-term social and economic growth