THEME: "Breaking Barriers, Shaping the Future of Women"
Your Steps Counselling, United Kingdom
Title: Parenting in the trauma recovery - Break a cycle
responses are exaggerated when adults become parents. If in the way of refusing
responsibility, become overly protective and controlling, outbursts of anger or
disassociation and depression. Symptoms vary, but more people find themselves
triggered by their children or emotionally immature partners.
realisation of the effects of one's behaviours leading to the traumatisation of
children is often a challenging part of trauma recovery, especially during the
phase of trauma grieving. I found during work with parents suffering from CPTSD
that they don't have realistic expectations and, in principle, don't know how
to build healthy relationships because of the lack of their own experience of
respectful, supportive and balanced relationships. Understanding the four
phases of trauma recovery, their manifestation in behaviours, and ways of
accelerating it are essential for change in the parent-child relationship.
I collected
proven techniques and strategies for parents on how to handle their recovery
and feel equipped as parents to work on the restoration of relationships with
their children and help them recover from trauma in the book "How to Raise
a Healthy Mind".