THEME: "Advancements and Breakthroughs in the Fields of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research"
Alzheimer’sdisease causes brain cells to die, so the brain works less well over time. This
changes how a person acts. This article has suggestions that may help you
understand and cope with changes in personality and behavior in a person with
Alzheimer’s disease. Mother with Alzheimer's and daughter interacting
Common Changes in Personality and Behavior
Common personality
and behavior changes you may see include:
You also may notice that the person stops caring about how he or she looks, stops bathing, and wants to wear the same clothes every day.
Alzheimer’sdisease is complex, and it is unlikely that any one drug or other intervention will
successfully treat it. Current approaches focus on helping people maintain
mental function, manage behavioral symptoms, and slow or delay the symptoms of
disease. Researchers hope to develop therapies targeting specific genetic,
molecular, and cellular mechanisms so that the actual underlying cause of the
disease can be stopped or prevented.