
World Heart Congress

THEME: "Shining a spotlight on global heart health"

img2 23-25 Sep 2024
img2 Village Hotel Changi, Singapore
Bungsu Daniswara

Bungsu Daniswara

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia

Intramyocardial Dissecting Hematoma of Post Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention


Bungsu Wahyu Sutrianingsih, SpPD from Indonesia. Graduated as a general practitioner from the Faculty of Medicine, Unissula Semarang in 2002. Graduated as a specialist in internal medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta in 2013. she has worked as a doctor at a community health center since 2004 and as a doctor civil government since 2008. She has worked at the Samboja Kutai Kartanegara Regional Hospital, East Kalimantan since 2013. The position is chairman of the hospital medical committee and the hospital cost and quality control team. Now I am continuing my education as a sub specialist in internal medicine in cardiovascular at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/ Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta from 2022 until now. History of research publications with the title Differences in Lung Function in elderly patients with hypertension and without hypertension at Sardjito Hospital Jogjakarta
