
Virtual Meet on Neurology and Therapeutics

THEME: "Novel Insights and Challenges in Neurology and Therapeutics"

img2 14-15 Apr 2021
img2 Online | Webinar | 11:00-17:00 GMT
Mindaugas Galvosas

Mindaugas Galvosas

CEO, Aichom, Lithuania

Title: Smartwatch Solutions for Neurodegenerative Diseases


MD candidate. Innovating dementia care together with Aichom. Building my career in management/bioenterpreneurship, and looking for opportunities in healthcare, pharma, health-tech companies. Experienced in NGOs activities - IFMSA & LiMSA, with achievements in meaningful youth participation and external affairs (WHO, AMEE, etc) on the international level. Skilled in strategic planning, scientific literature analysis, management and public speaking. Experienced in pharmacovigilance as a national safety monitoring specialist (Medistyl). Goals are to be collaborative, innovative and enjoy. 


  • Dementia
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Data Analysis
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning