Scholars International

Virtual Nursing 2021

THEME: "Current Challenges, Innovations and Best Practices in the Field of Nursing"

img2 14-15 Apr 2021
img2 Webinar | Virtual Meet | 11:00-17:00 GMT
Malcolm Valdez

Malcolm Valdez

Royal Melbourne Hospital

Title: Effect of art therapy on body dysmorphia among adults with eating disorders: A literature review


Mr. Malcolm Valdez endeavored to apply his accumulated experience in the field of mental health to create new insight in regards to the non-pharmacologic management of body dysmorphia. The aim of his study is to change the current and future models of care for clients suffering from eating disorders with body dysmorphic thoughts and support them in a non-pharmacologic intervention such as art-therapy. In order to obtain real data he collated pertinent literature and articles over various research databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, EBSCO Host, and ProQuest), and employed MeSH terminologies, headings and subheadings, keywords, Bolean logic, filters, parentheses, and phrases.  The search strategy was limited to studies on human data, with respondents who were at least 18 years old. The study did not impose any restriction on the date of publication; however, all studies which were included were written in English. Moreover, the reference lists of identified studies were also reviewed and scrutinized to highlight additional studies which were not recognized during the search. 
