Scholars International Conference on


THEME: "Recent Research Methodologies and Discoveries in Physics and Quantum Physics"

img2 27-28 Mar 2023
img2 Crowne Plaza Ealing, London, UK & Online
Tahany Abdelhameid

Tahany Abdelhameid

Helwan University, Egypt

Title: Simulation of the Pressure Effect on the Gas Transport Parameters of the CMS Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC)


Tahany Abdelhameid, Teaching assistant at physics department, faculty of Science, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. I am in my last year as a master student. My master thesis is based on study the performance of the CMS resistive plate chamber (RPC) under different conditions. I am an associated member at The European Organization for Nuclear Research known as CERN and also a member of the Egyptian Net Work of High Energy Physics (ENHEP)- RPC group. I did the experimental part of my thesis at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN. I have a good experience in the simulation software used in the field of high energy physics like Garfield++, HEED and Magboltz.


Resistive plate chamber (RPC) is a type of gaseous detector which was developed in 1981 by R. Santonico and R. Cardarelli. It is constructed to cover large areas and be able to reach sub nanosecond time resolution which makes them excellent timing and triggering detectors, especially in muon systems. It is a fast gaseous detector that provides a muon trigger system parallel to the CMS experiment’s cathode strip chambers and drift tubes. It comprises two parallel plates with a negatively-charged cathode and a positively-charged anode. Both electrodes are consisted of plastic material with extremely high resistivity and 2mm thickness and spaced apart by gas volumes with the same thickness containing a gas mixture of C2H2F4(95.2%), iC4H10(4.5%) and SF6(0.3%).


In this study, we used the simulation tool Garfield++ to determine the optimal CMS RPC operating conditions. It represents the pressure effect on various parameters of the RPC. Using MAGBOLTZ package, the electron transport parameters such as Townsend coefficient, diffusion coefficient and drift velocity have been calculated at various pressure. While HEED package has been used to study the energy loss and primary ionisation number. The weighting field and electric field were calculated using the neBEM solver. The induced signal was measured using Ramo’s theorem.