Singapore Public Health Conference

THEME: "Innovating for Tomorrow: Shaping the Future of Public Health"

img2 15-17 Sep 2025
img2 Singapore
Anil Batta

Anil Batta

Muzaffarnagar Medical College

Title: Mental Well-Being: An Important Outcome


Anil Batta is presently a professor and head of Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar. He has been Professor Biochemistry in MMIMSR, MAULANA He has been a Professor and head, senior consultant in Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, Professor & Head, GGS Medical College, Faridkot. He did his M.B.B.S. and M.D. in Medical Biochemistry from Govt. Medical College, Patiala in 1984 and 1991, respectively. His research interest is mainly in clinical applications, especially cancer and drug addiction. He has supervised more than 30 M.D., M.Sc., and Doctorate research and published more than 160 international research papers. He is the chief editor of America’s Journal of Biochemistry. He is also working as an advisor to the editorial board of the International Journal of Biological and Medical Research. He has been a deputed member Editorial Board of numerous International and national Medical Journals of Biochemistry. He has also been attached as a technical advisor to various national and international conferences in Biochemistry. He has been attached to hi-tech endocrinal, genetics, and automated labs of Baba Farid Univ. of Health Sciences, Faridkot. He has chaired various sessions in the Biochemistry meets. He has been designated as a member Editorial Board of various journals in the US and other European Countries. He is also involved in various research projects at Govt. Medical, Amritsar. He has done superspecialisation in Drug-de-addiction from PGIMER, Chandigarh. He has been an organizing committee member of various National and international conferences. In addition, he has been numerous times rewarded as an excellent reviewer of Manuscripts and Medical Books. He has presented papers at offline conferences as well as webinars.



The place of mental well-being in the delivery of mental healthcare remains uncertain and the CMO has stated categorically that this should not be part of current clinical commissioning. Nevertheless, mental well-being is an important public health heuristic and has clear resonances with concepts underpinning recovery from mental illness. The evidence base linking mental well-being and mental illness remains poorly developed, but we believe that two conditions for measuring mental well-being in mental health services have been at least partly met. It appears that mental well-being may be associated with onset, recovery and/or recurrence of episodes of mental illness although the actual detail of these associations is complex; and that it is at least partly independent of symptoms, social functioning or need for mental healthcare. Mental well-being is not fully captured by measures of these phenomena. However, there are two important caveats. First, it is essential to validate measures of mental well-being in people with serious mental illness, and to know more about the (relative) value that patients place on mental well-being as a service outcome. And second, mental well-being must not be allowed to supersede other outcomes and obscure the imperative to deliver the most effective evidence-based treatments to those with mental illness.