THEME: "Novel Advancements in Cancer Science and Therapy"
Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Graphene derivatives as a way to understand cancer cell processes for potential targeted therapies
She graduated in Biochemistry at Palacky
University in Olomouc, Czech Republic and in 2013 She received my MSc. In 2014 she joined the BioMed group led by Doc. Ranc in RCPTM in Olomouc. In 2018, she received my PhD degree in Physical Chemistry at the same institution. During my
PhD study, she completed a 3-month internship at the University of Trieste under
the supervision of Dr. Fornasaro. Since 2021 she became a junior researcher at
CATRIN (Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute) where she is still
working. she is the author of 1 patent, first-author of 5 papers and co-author of
other publications