THEME: "Experimental Challenges in Studies of Drug Discovery, Development and Lead Optimization"
Biogenea Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Greece
Title: Quantum Phases and Chern-Simons Geometrics for the generation of a ligand targeting COVID-19-SARS-COV-2 SPIKE D614G binding sites
Ioannis G. Grigoriadis, PharmD. is the Chairman of the WAMS International Board of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and holds a Pharmacy Degree by the Aristotle University Pharmaceutical School, PHARMACIST DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCHOOL OF ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONICA CLINICIAN PHARMACIST – MANAGER OF EXECUTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL FACILITIES ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Inventor, Scientific Publications in Medical Genetics in Biogenea Pharmaceuticals Ltd and is currently member of the International NETCORD Foundation . He is also member of the European Committee of the International Society for Cellular Therapies and expert opinion on biotechnology (WIWearn). He is Scientific Director of BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals Ltd, in charge of communication for the European Medicines Organization ( and scientific advisor to REGENETECH, a NASA spin-off company. He holds various biotechnology patents and diplomas, being author of numerous scientific papers and publications. He is member of peer-Business Scientific Project committees for international academic conventions and in charge of accreditations for the clinical laboratory of BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals Ltd by the National Accreditation Authority of Greece ( Currently serves as scientific head of Drug Design & Development Unit publicitate his patents to Industrial Property Organization Ioannis Grigoriadis is the Inventor of the GlybatomaqTM “MIRACLE MOLECULES” AI Computer-Designed, Quantum Thinking 3D Small Molecules for Brain Cancer.
SARS coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) in the viral spike (S) encoding a SARS-COV-2 SPIKE D614G mutation
protein predominate over time in locales revealing the dynamic aspects of its key viral
processes where it is found, implying that this change enhances viral
transmission. It has also been observed that retroviruses infected
ACE2-expressing cells pseudotyped with SG614 that is presently affecting a
growing number of countries markedly more efficiently than those with SD614. The
availability of newer powerful computational resources, molecular modeling
techniques, and cheminformatics quality data have made it feasible to generate
reliable algebraic calculations to design new chemical entities, merging chemicals,
recoring natural products, and a lot of other substances fuelling further development
and growth of this AI-quantum based drug design field to balance the trade-off between the
structural complexity and the quality of such biophysics predictions that
cannot be obtained by any other method. In this paper, we strongly combine topology
geometric methods targeting at the atomistic level the protein apparatus of the
SARS-COV-2 virus that are simple in machine learning anti-viral characteristics,
to propose computer-aided rational drug design strategies efficient in
computing docking usage, and powerful enough to achieve very high accuracy
levels for this in-silico effort for the generation of the AI-Quantum designed
molecule the RoccustyrnaTM small molecule, a multi-targeting druggable scaffold
targeting the COVID-19-SARS-COV-2 SPIKE D614G mutation using Chern-Simons Topology
Euclidean Geometric in a Lindenbaum-Tarski generated QSAR automating modeling and
Artificial Intelligence-Driven Predictive Neural Networks.