World Congress on

Advanced Food Science and Nutrition

THEME: "Innovating for a Healthier Tomorrow: Pioneering Advances in Food Science and Nutrition"

img2 14-16 Jul 2025
img2 Vienna, Austria
David John Wortley

David John Wortley

VP of International Society of Digital Medicine (ISDM)

Title: TBA


David Wortley is the author of “Gadgets to God”, a historical perspective of mankind’s changing relationship with technology over the last 60 years and a vision of the future impact of disruptive communications technologies on business and society. He is also a freelance consultant on the strategic use of immersive and emerging technologies such as serious games, virtual worlds and social networks. His passion is helping organisations and individuals to leverage the power of these technologies for competitive advantage and business/personal development.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) with a career which has embraced the converging and emerging technologies of telecommunications (Post Office Telecommunications), computing (IBM), digital media and community informatics (Mass Mitec, a rural SME) and the creative industries (De Montfort University  Leicester, UK). He is a serial entrepreneur and innovator with a passion for applying technology to social and economic development.

David recently supported De Montfort University in Leicester as a Research Fellow in the Art, Design and Humanities Faculty. He was also Founding Director of the Serious Games Institute (SGI) at Coventry University and was responsible for the development of the Institute as a global thought leader on the application of immersive technologies (which include video games; virtual worlds and social networking) to serious social and economic issues such as education; simulation; health; commerce and climate change. Working with academics; regional development agencies and leading computer games companies, David made the SGI a focal point for games based learning, simulation and immersive 3D virtual environments and an engine for innovation and social and economic regeneration.

David is a respected and sought-after international conference speaker and writer for global publications on Learning Technologies, Defence and Health applications. He has written numerous papers on technology and society and is a regular conference presenter.
