Scholars 2nd Edition International Conference on

Optics, Lasers and Photonics

THEME: "A New Era towards Optics, Lasers & Photonics Technologies"

img2 27-28 Mar 2023
img2 Crowne Plaza Ealing, London, UK & Online
Clifford G. Arnell

Clifford G. Arnell

Colorado State University, United States



After four years of college, Clifford G. Arnell received his degree in Electronics Technology in 1964 and employed until 1968 in the Silicon Research and Development Laboratory at Texas Instruments, where the first MOSFET integrated circuits were designed. Mr. Arnell developed Fortran programs for on-chip circuit performance analysis. In 1969, at Union Carbide Electronics, Mr. Arnell designed the world’s first 256Bit RAM followed by thirty-five years of Chip Design as employee, contractor, and consultant in the Semiconductor Industry. A flash of inspiration led him to determine the composition of the Electron and composition of the Photon and produce an hour-long movie to explain both found at


The Photon is found in light, communications, and sub-atomic particle interactions, depicted as a ‘~~>’, or as a simultaneous, double sine wave passing through space as an Electro-Magnetic wave. A new and novel model of the Photon has been created to explain the details of the composition of the Photon and substantiate its extensive characteristics within a list of  over forty additional attributes.

The Photon is herein modelled as a ‘Vertical Axis Pendulum’ where the vertical axis is composed of a single vector of Electric flux surrounded by an outer rim of an associated scalar of one line of Magnetic flux. The relationship of this new and novel model is easily shown in the Electric and Magnetic fields of an antenna that generates Photons.  Travelling Photons perpetually oscillate as Electro-Magnetic Energy at the frequency of formation and each Photon is perpetually propelled through the fine medium of empty space known as the Ether like a bubble pushed from the bottom of a pool toward the top. With the appropriate model, the Photon, as ‘particle’, or ‘wave’, can be concluded to be the ‘building block’ of mass and the provider of Gravity.

The characteristics of the Photon are readily recognised and explained by the mechanisms of the ‘Vertical Axis Pendulum’ Photon model and, an understanding of the Photon model in motion finally explains the connection between electro-magnetism and Gravity. The Photon completes the ‘Theory of Everything’.