Asia-Pacific Mental Health and Well-being Congress

THEME: "Future Directions: Pioneering Mental Health and Well-being Initiatives"

img2 27-29 Oct 2025
img2 Bali, Indonesia
George Fieldman

George Fieldman

Independent Consultant Chartered Psychologist, UK

Title: TBA


Dr George Fieldman is a British Psychological Society Chartered Psychologist and Senior Practitioner in Psychotherapy with regular clinics at King Edward VII's Hospital. He has been fully accredited by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies for over 20 years, and takes pride working with an international client base. 

He is also a qualified and knowledgeable Executive Coach and Mentor.

Dr Fieldman combines the rigours of a scientific approach with a warm, kind and compassionate nature and style. This helps to resolve psychological concerns and to empower clients to develop themselves to their full potential.

After completing his PhD in Ergonomics and Physiology at King’s College London, George pursued research in Occupational Health Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford and as a Research Fellow at St George’s in London. In the Department of Zoology at Oxford, Dr Fieldman undertook research into the Evolutionary Psychobiology of human altruism.

Subsequently, he went on to train in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences at University College London.

Dr Fieldman greatly enjoyed supervising six successful PhD students, and has published original work on Occupational Stress and Evolutionary Psychology. His work has been cited by other authors some 2000 times and read around 8000 times.

He has contributed to BBC radio and television on both Evolutionary Psychology and Health Psychology.

Dr Fieldman has had the pleasure to serve as a Consultant Psychologist at the King Edward VII’s Hospital London for some 5 years, and is the founding partner of the Clear Thinking Clinic.

He holds dear to the values compassion, scientific rigour, intellectual independence, curiosity, creativity and taking personal responsibility for the wellbeing of family, friends and clients. Working in psychotherapy is not merely a job for him; it’s an opportunity to manifest his humanistic and scientific principles, and to help clients to acquire a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

Outside of his work, he loves relaxing with family and friends, and enjoys films, music, walks in Kew Gardens, and stimulating conversation.
