Asia-Pacific Mental Health and Well-being Congress

THEME: "Future Directions: Pioneering Mental Health and Well-being Initiatives"

img2 27-29 Oct 2025
img2 Bali, Indonesia

keynote speakers

Edie Raether

Title: Dopamine: The Catalyst of Motivation, Performance and Productivity Short Description

Edie Raether

Performance PLUS, USA
Strizhitskaya Olga Yurievna

Title: TBA

Strizhitskaya Olga Yurievna

Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Takaki Shimura

Title: TBA

Takaki Shimura

President of Sosei Ltd.,Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Japan
George Fieldman

Title: TBA

George Fieldman

Independent Consultant Chartered Psychologist, UK

Vladimir Yanchuk

Title: TBA

Vladimir Yanchuk

Belarusian State University
George Fink

Title: Sex steroid control of central serotonin neurotransmission: relevance for mood, mental state, and memory

George Fink

Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Australia
Barry Du Bois

Title: TBA

Barry Du Bois

The Art of Untangling Life, Australia