World Congress on

Virology and Infectious Diseases

THEME: "Global Frontlines: Advancing the Science of Infectious Disease Control"

img2 07-09 Jul 2025
img2 Prague, Czech Republic


Elena Chiappini

Title: Tubercular Disease in Children: Optimizing Treatment Strategies Through Disease Insights

Elena Chiappini

University of Florence, Italy
Nahla Eltai

Title: Pioneering Approaches to Airborne Pathogen Control

Nahla Eltai

Qatar University, Qatar
Mahtab Mir-Hosseinian

Title: Full genome sequence analysis of the predominant and uncommon G9P[4] rotavirus strains circulating in Tehran, Iran, 2021-2022: evidence for inter and intra- genotype recombination

Mahtab Mir-Hosseinian

Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Neda soleimanvandiAzar

Title: Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among people who use substances: a case study in Tehran

Neda soleimanvandiAzar

Iran university of Medical Sciences


Title: Investigation of Coxiella burnetii in Febrile Abortions, Prolonged Fever, and Animal Reservoirs in Algeria


High National Veterinary School Algiers, Algeria