6th Edition

World Nursing and Healthcare Summit

THEME: "Empowering Nurses: The Heartbeat of Healthcare Transformation"

img2 27-29 Oct 2025
img2 Bali, Indonesia


Joyce Simard

Title: Namaste Care: Helps People with Advanced Dementia Live Not Just Exist

Joyce Simard

University of Minnesota, Australia
Bernd Blobel

Title: Establishing Knowledge-Based Integration and Interoperability in Intelligent and Ethical Transformed Health and Social Care Ecosystems

Bernd Blobel

University of Regensburg, Germany

Title: Current fever testing and treatment is best for hyperthermia, not fever, why?


Marma Health Centre, India
Zahid Ahmad Wani

Title: Nursing Interventions to Prevent Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients: A Review of the Evidence

Zahid Ahmad Wani

Shantha group of institutions, India